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 ways to give 

Education is the cornerstone for community success. It is the key to stimulating economic development, reducing the crime rate, and decreasing poverty. Donations made to the Waterloo Schools Foundation help us directly impact the lives of the 10,000+ students in the Waterloo Community School District and the Greater Cedar Valley.

 Types of Donations 

When considering a charitable gift, most people think of writing a check, but many other types of non-cash assets allow you to provide even greater support for the causes you care about. Whether you’re ready to give today, want to chat about specific initiatives, or want to set up a long-term plan for giving, we're here to help!

Email us at and our team
will help guide you through the giving process.

The Waterloo Schools Foundation accepts gifts of all types, including, but not limited to:

employer matching gifts

Some employers have the benefit of donation matching - a giving incentive in which an employer

matches their employee's contribution to a specific organization. If their employee donates $50 to the

Foundation, the employer will make a matching $50 donation. If your employer offers this benefit,

consider letting them know of your donation to the Foundation to increase the impact of your dollars.

individual matching gifts

The Foundation hosts various 24-hour challenges throughout the year. This is a time when businesses or

individuals will pledge to match a certain dollar amount of money raised. For example, on Giving Tuesday,

a local couple decided they would donate $1,000 once we reached $1,000 in other donations.

© Copyright Waterloo Schools Foundation 2024

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